"To carry it further, if we were to dissect a house as we might a human cadaver, we would find ourselves able to isolate and describe its various appendages and their functions in a decidedly anatomical fashion."

A haunted house is not about the ghosts living in it. The house itself is haunted. The house itself lives, it breathes, it eats, and it observes. Anatomy GETS it. Anatomy understands the house is its own entity. The house must eat. It is not doing it out of malice no, the house is not haunted because there are ghosts in it. The house is haunted because we do not understand that the house, too , lives.

"I dream that there are teeth, they're all over me, not right on me but within me like, cysts or bone spurs."

I am obsessed with anatomy.

Reviewed on Sep 04, 2022
