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Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 17, 2023

Platforms Played


Decent game at first, then it just gets to the point where it's not fun any longer. The RNG doesn't seem so random, and you really get the short end of the stick a vast majority of the time. Whether you are getting critted constantly, getting a lopsided amount of negatives added to your character at the end of each run, or encountering an enemy that can just attack your entire party in one turn (and placing your entire team on death's door), the game is just too frustrating to enjoy for me personally. I don't mind when games are difficult, but when the difficulty is increased exponentially by the computer getting "lucky" way too often on what is supposed to be "random" rolls, it's takes the joy out of the game.

Doing well is less of a rewarding experience and more of a relief that you're done. Every step forward in this game has the potential to send you four steps back and it's just a grating experience.

I REALLY wanted to like this game. I cotinued playing hoping that it would get better or maybe I just needed a different strategy... but rebuilding to replace characters that you lost due to completely random chance is beyond frustrating and I just had to give up eventually. Again, totally fine with getting my ass kicked, as long as it's my own fault. Just not the case here.