Changing Tides expands on Lone Sails in almost every way - it's longer, there are more elements of your vehicle to control and it utilises the Y axis a lot more thanks to the addition of both your wanderer and vehicle being able to dive.

In ways it makes the journey feel more epic than before - you traverse more ground, fight larger storms while also dealing with being thrown around by rough waters. The puzzles you deal with feel more involved than in Lone Sails, and as such feel more satisfying to pass through.

In others it accentuates the negatives. Some of the longer traversal sections between locations go on for too long, and the eerie serenity of the first game is diluted a little as you need to multitask more often which has the knock on effect of physical hazards almost appearing out of nowhere with little chance to avoid collision. Thankfully the punishment for this isn't too extreme, perhaps more lenient this time round but it can disrupt your flow a touch.

But at the end of the day, it's more FAR. If you liked the firs one, I'm almost certain you'll enjoy this. It's the truest of video game sequels really - take the first game and do it again, but bigger. Is Changing Tides better than its predecessor? Not quite but it's definitely more and that's not a terrible thing.

Reviewed on Mar 06, 2022


2 years ago

would It be okay to play this one without having played the first?

2 years ago

Generally I'd day so. A few allusions and links to Lone Sails but nothing that would be confusing.

2 years ago

okay cool, thanks!

1 year ago

God you really said it for me. Fully with this.
It's far more difficult to have a particularly satisfying moment-to-moment when controlling this boat. Compared to the original title's Okomotive and its ability to string steam pressure releases for speed boosts with relative ease - I felt like I was staring at the ship's gauges for far longer than I spent actually enjoying the art design of the environment.
A minor annoyance immediately forgiven by that genuinely astounding final act, tho!!!!