silly little ogre + PERRIN ❤️❤️❤️❤️

bbqs are too repetitive and not fun in a singleplayer environment, BUT AT LEAST I GET MY PERRIN CONTENT

fun at first but can be boring sometimes

love the UI and overworld graphics. gameplay is ok. is kinda overhated tbh

pretty peak gameplay wise. pokedex stuff was fun, a bit too grindy though. shiny hunting was fun and i like the characters :thumbs up emoji: (adaman my beloved ❤️)

had a good time with it, i like the changes teehee.

peak remake, wish there was character customization, would've been cool for contests...

fun gameplay, but a little underwhelming for story... i love the characters but the pacing was off for me. would've be great as a starter persona game tho

cool concept, wish i played it more