Just as the other DS entry, this game also fails to deliver a pleasant experience at the end. The comparisons to Spirit Tracks are inevitable; in my opinion, the music isn`t as enjoying in this one, the stylus controls are also present, which means that you not gonna have a good time controlling Link around the map, but thank god there`s not many microphone mechanic stuff - they are few of those, and the ones that shows up are fun and not near of a hassle, like those where you shout at the mic to stun enemies at one of the dungeons and when you have to ask for a discount for the cannons in the shipwright.

Storywise, this game makes more sense than Spirit Tracks, following after the end of Wind Waker, where Link and Petra must rebuild Hyrule after the flood; and let`s be honest, the whole story concept of Spirit Tracks, with the tracks around Hyrule and spirit trains and that whole stuff is kinda dumb and doesn`t make much sense. The low point for me is the Ocean King Temple, which has every piece of design universally hated by players: time limit, invisible enemies, and the fact that you have to do it like 4 or 5 times throughout the game, while repeting the stuff you have already done before, cause this dungeon is not sectioned off like the Spirit Tower in Spirit Tracks.

At the end, this is just one of those Nintendo games that feeds off gimmicks: stylus gimmicks, microphone gimmicks and other ones that just doesnt click well - the vibrant art style and cool sea exploration just gets buried underneath boring controlling and gameplay mechanics that looks cool on paper, but doesn`t work very well.

Reviewed on Dec 27, 2023
