originally just wrote a joke but then wanted to come back and write an actual review when i bumped this up to a 10, but then it ended up kind of lame and pretentious and stupid so here it is in bullet point form

- if you hate anything wholesome or heartwarming, this game is not for you (also maybe try cheering up)
- if you draw memes or something vulgar on any white canvas given to you, this game is probably not for you (if you can exercise restraint in story scenes then go ahead)
- if you're expecting links awakening 2, don't. the screen-to-screen "action" comes from painting the world, not combat and is therefore a lot more chill than a zelda
- you should probably be painting things. you really do not have to be meticulous if you don't want to, and you can wait until you get the paint bucket if you want, but the game is better/more satisfying seeing things go from monochrome to colored in
- get the paint bucket as early as you can (start of chapter 2, when you first see a bridge over water go up a screen and there should be a big present) if you don't wanna spend a bunch of time coloring in every screen
- even before the paint bucket you can click and hold to fill as well without needing it, it's just a little bit slower
- you certainly do not need to be an artist (of any medium) to like this game
- that being said if you do make art (of any sort, can be drawn, can be music, whatever), this game gets a heavier endorsement from me since it touches on topics that have a higher chance of resonating with you

Reviewed on Dec 29, 2021
