Loved playing this for the first time! Was a bit burned by the backtracking and how the game couldn't seem to stop getting in its own way, but excellent moments and a great final chapter made up for it.
I'd say there are definitely far more CONSISTENT Mario RPGs out there but this definitely has the highest highs.

Fun balance of N64-esque jank and general weirdness in the level design / dialogue. Siactro's definitely learned a lot from this earlier entry-deducted a star for the awful camera and some arbitrary collectable placement-but overall not bad for what it is

Like the first game, it isn't perfect, but it's great fun for a dollar and I like the greater emphasis on speed

It's not perfect by any means but for a $1 3D platformer it's probably nearly as good as it gets (and the only better ones are just more Siactro games lol)

Cute little throwback collectathon, give it a go


Bit of a mindless romp-I understand it's meant to be more of a supplementary piece-but still a fun time. Enjoyed the extra time challenges as well.

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Short, but a fun precision platformer! I liked the gimmick of customizing your own difficulty by placing checkpoints wherever you'd like, as well as how you have to think more strategically once it's revealed they can get erased later in the game


I wish there was a bit more mechanical depth to properly do the themes depicted here justice, but it's still a very cool game that uniquely illustrates the power of peer pressure / going with the crowd

Incredible roguelike spin on the tried and true Splatoon formula! Really looking forward to going back through this in the post-game

Don't sleep on this one! While the premise of rotating a paddle is simple enough, I found myself surprised by the difficulty of the puzzles and thought/precision required for each. Great game!

A wonderful game!
Just as long as it needed to be to do everything it wanted to do. The soundtrack is filled with catchy earworms, and the thrill of exploration never got old. The mechanics are simple to understand but will take some patience to master in the hardest of VVVVVV's countless challenge rooms.
Everyone owes it to themselves to go through this game. It's a short 2-3h romp, nothing crazy, but I really loved my time with it!

Cute game, but you do have to be patient and its puzzles can be cryptic to the point of some frustration

At least for now, this game makes me feel just a bit too stupid for my liking. Overly cryptic and lots of backtracking ruined my enjoyment of the game; hope to feel ready to give this another shot at some point in the future but I'm putting it down for now

Levels were simple and fun enough to start, but the controls ultimately serve as a frustrating obstacle that quickly destroyed my desire to play the game