This review contains spoilers

Very minor spoilers, but I've tagged this with a warning because this game is best played blind. Just know that there's more to it than meets the eye.

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Some of the coolest Metroidvania mechanics I've ever seen, married wonderfully with a slightly "Outer Wilds"-style sense of discovery that's very addicting. Unlike Outer Wilds, this is a game I could actually replay without being completely robbed of the experience, although I don't think any of the reveals here hit quite as hard as the kind of gameplay/narrative cohesion you get in Outer Wilds. Don't get me wrong though, there were several times my jaw hit the floor after shouting "no way!" when learning something new. You can bet I immediately attempted the equivalent of Metroid's bomb-jumping and shinesparking upon unlocking some of the movement-focused upgrades early on. The implementation of power-ups can so easily feel like a "lock and key" type of design, but most of the tools in Animal Well are so handy and multipurpose that you'll be using them constantly.

Gorgeous artwork and atmosphere, I was consistently impressed by the volumetrics and reflections. The technical wizardry on display here is beyond my comprehension.

This game runs deep. Every time you find something new, you peel back another layer. I've completed most of the "second layer", by which I mean I've gotten the second ending and already have 4 of the final late-game collectables required for what I can assume is the final "true" ending of the game. I'd like to keep going, but I think I'm a little burnt out. Hunting down all of the secret eggs took a lot out of me, as I was constantly searching the map over and over again to find a single clue towards the next bit of progression.

The game flows wonderfully at the beginning, in the "first layer". Progression feels swift and very open-ended. The second layer has a lot of moments that feel much more arbitrary and unnatural. You get something that only has a few specific uses, unlike the early game items that feel so much more versatile.

I really appreciate the lack of direction and heavy trust placed upon the player, it's probably this game's greatest overall strength. But that doesn't change the fact that hunting down some of these final secrets without any hints or minor guidance can get pretty boring and obtuse. I do want to uncover more, but after all that tedium in the final stretch, I'm not quite feeling it right now. Massive respect to the players who can invest the time into learning all this stuff, I don't know how much I want to see online at the risk of robbing myself of my own discoveries later down the line. Granted, once we reach some of this "third layer" stuff, I think I'm out by that point.

Highly recommended overall, no question. It's commendable to see a modern title so focused on secrets and discovery, even in the age of the internet and instant access to spoilers and guides. Jump in blind, and see how deep you can go.

Reviewed on May 22, 2024
