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September 17, 2022

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This review contains spoilers

I take back what I said about DMC1 THIS is the best game ever made. People have said enough about DMC3 so I dunno if I have any original thoughts but I really loved this game so:

They don't make em like this anymore! Leaning into the hammy nature of its story, letting things be pretty stupid where the genre calls for it, letting Dante be just FUN and whimsical and stupid and kind of cringey circles back to make him COOL again.
The way the story centers on its characters and themes of empathy and family is really sweet and not what I really expected out of it. Looking back at DMC1's Nelo Angelo after you learn about Vergil makes those fights and the presence of the amulet on Nelo Angelo's person infinitely more compelling. The same goes for Trish.
Speaking of Vergil 1) I can't get over him sounding like he has a cold 2) One of the best rival characters end of story!! He's that sort of character you love to beat up but wish you could fight alongside with anyways. Going into DMC3 knowing it ends in tragedy for Vergil and that he gets reduced down to a husk for Nelo Angelo makes that feel even more pertinent imo. Bestie you are trapped in the narrative
I'm not good at the combat but learning the patterns and punishing enemies when you learn them is insanely satisfying. Being able to customize the game to your specific skill level offers a ton of replay value. I'm really looking forward to trying the game out as Vergil especially. You cannot take gold mode away from me now also
Music goes hard but that's also a given and one of 2 things that got me wanting to try the games in the first place. The other was DMC1's promo art.
"What was it we used to say?" "Jackpot." GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD HYPE. HYPE!!

EDIT: How could I not mention how Lady recontextualizes the title of the game into something with actual emotional weight outside of just being a silly play on devil may care? What a satisfying conclusion to bring around to the beginning of DMC1.

The game definitely shows its age at points but it barely hindered my enjoyment, I really enjoyed my time with every aspect of the game and I can see why it's so beloved.