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There are a lot of jokes you can make once you finish a playthru of this game and I can think of at least 10 while I'm writing this (I was laughing way too hard at some inopportune moments) but all of that gets overshadowed by the ending and frankly how genius it is. I'm a really big fan of media that is hyperaware of its medium and uses that and its limitations to really drill home its point/story/etc., and MGS2 might be one of the best (if not THE best) example of that that I've seen.

Raiden's character is genius--not so much in his role as Raiden in the story, but more-so because of what he represents as the player in the story, especially since most people are probably wondering why the hell they aren't just playing as Snake, that they want to be Snake, that Snake is what makes the Metal Gear franchise--and then at the very end there's that BANGER of a line "anyone can be molded into Snake" and it's just like oh...holy shit. Sons of Liberty might feel like a recobbled version of Shadow Moses, but for that to LITERALLY be the point and for a big theme in the story to be a critique on blind leadership of an ideal (Snake, in this case, and not just by Raiden but the PLAYER) is honestly genius. Recontextualization at its finest. I'm blown away.

There's a lot more I could say on it but I'm still processing everything (help me) and I've probably made my stance on MGS2 pretty clear by now but yeah ok guys I get why you all like Kojima so much.

Reviewed on Oct 17, 2021
