3 reviews liked by teresechiara

i would never break up a marriage with children involved but ermmm… mr olimar… tucks my hair behind my ear and blushes we should practice dandori together haha….

-I love Pikmin :)
-This is THE quintessential Pikmin game. Everything that made 1-3 good is cranked up to the max in 4, and it all works.
-The story itself is pretty easy. Nothing super challenging or frustrating.
-As for the bonus levels to unlock the white and purple onion, almost impossible. Thank god I had a co-op partner for some of them because the difficulty spike is very very fast.
-Co-op kinda sucks in this but I have hopes that they will add a dedicated mode like they did with 3.
-Overall this game takes it's past 3 entries and somehow makes them better. Unique enemies, fun and captivating levels, and the cutest goddamn soldiers you'll ever see (purple and rock are my favs). Can't recommend this enough.

Oatchi carried (literally)