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Yudashi Peril: Floraison
Yudashi Peril: Floraison

Apr 08

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I made this game!

The reception from those who have played it through to the end has made me feel inspired to keep working and making new stories.

I don't think this game is perfect, of course, but I am proud of what I made. I worked as hard as I reasonably could without hurting myself too badly, although I did wind up giving myself a little bit of an injury by spending too many long hours working on the background art leading up to the release. I'll make sure to pace myself better going forward.

I'm very thankful to the playtesters who helped me make this into something that works for more people, because as it turned out, there were a number of playstyles people had that I didn't really consider when I was developing it on my own. It's been a great learning experience for future projects, and I'll likely take a different approach going forward.

I think what I'm most proud of here is the writing, because that is the absolute core of the story. I constantly thought about the story for 10 years, and still do. There are a couple of points that I sort of wish were a little stronger, but I don't think they're detrimental to the overall story. It's easier to see faults when it's your own work.

Based on the feedback I've been given, the parts that I wanted to work all came together great for readers. In fact, the response in that aspect has exceeded expectations, which is great. The fact that readers have gotten invested in the story, wanted to unravel the mysteries, and really cared about the characters in the story means a lot to me. I hope that other readers can have the same experience.

For mystery readers who like it when not every element of the story is spelled out and explained, there are some questions which I will never give answers to, nor can give answers to. A core element of this game is asking you to engage with it, to reach out and put part of yourself in it. Part of the gameplay, ideally, is for you to try to understand and break down the story, rather than to just passively read it. Whenever someone does this, it feels incredibly validating. I appreciate it, every time.

I made this game because I needed to. I couldn't feel satisfied in life if I didn't do it. I intend to make the next game even better.