2D platformer of the punishing "one hit and you die" variety.

The characters and art style are cute as a button, and the music is phenomenal. The story is solid with moments of real poignancy, even though I found it got a too twee sometimes...but that's just me.

The actual running and jumping is extremely tight and responsive, and even when you fail, you don't lose so much progress that it feels like a chore to try again. When you finally get past a screen that was giving you trouble, you feel like a platformer pro.

I would like to note that the free DLC stuff is harder by a considerable magnitude. I appreciate wanting to give hardcore gamers and super fans an extra challenge, but as a player who just wanted those last few morsels of story, I felt a tad excluded. Thankfully, the numerous accessibility options meant I could zip through the hard stuff and still get to experience the narrative, so chalk up another win for versatile accessibility options!

Reviewed on Jun 25, 2024
