Ranking The Kingdom Hearts Games Based on the Quality of the Superbosses

Nothing here!

Roxas was a great fight, but there's not much of a difference in the actual fight between this one and the final boss
Data Xion and Yozora are the best fights I've ever played in any game tbh. I still don't like Dark Riku, but it's balanced out by every other fight being an 11 out of 10.
Some of the Data fights are kinda iffy, but Data Roxas is magnificent
Unknown and Sephiroth are pretty baller tbh, but the secret Heartless fights are kinda oof
Superboss machine nonexistent
I wouldn't wish Dustflier on my worst enemy.
Zodiac Phantom Aqua is badass and gave me hope for KH3's fights


3 years ago

Chain of Memories' nothing is probably better than Dusflier lol
Tbf, it honestly is better, but I can't rank it higher cuz of that technicality

1 year ago

I have a soft spot for Kurt Zisa. Kind of like how it tests both magic and physical combat while negating the other one. Locking magic is a cool way to add tension (but not for the entire fight, that'd be manic).

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