This game is like Russian roulette but you left all the bullets in

When you're out on the sea with your mates, messing around and playing music, is when this game peaks. The combat is fairly interesting, but very hard to learn, and the ship control is good enough for what the game wants. The main issue is that there is little to do or achieve, with all quest rewards and objectives being nothing but money to buy cosmetics, or just cosmetics straight up. The game can be fun, but probably isn't worth playing for more than a few hours.

The fact that you need such specific circumstances for this game to be fun (7-10 friends that are all able to play at the same time, all decently aware of the mechanics and prepared to play somewhat seriously) makes this game very hard to enjoy. I do want to thank it for amongus sus imposter though, as these 3 words have made the basis for my humour for the past 6 months.

Donkey Kong Country 2 is a game that i'll never put down. Masterful in its level design, movement, visuals and music, this game is one that every fan of platformers should play.

At its core, this game is fine (as it is in 2021). If it had released as it is now, then it would probably be 2 to 3 stars, but the fact that it took so long to become remotely interesting or even playable combined with the fact that its barely and upgrade from fallout 4 makes this game worth very little to me.

The gameplay at its core is really fun, with much depth and enough to differentiate itself from other games in the genre (despite what other reviews would have you think). The real draw is the customization, there are thousands of different builds with every one of the 40 something characters, which does come at the cost of some game balance. The real problem is the bugs, which cover seemingly every aspect of the game. The menus, the visuals, the matchmaking and hitboxes can all be slightly off to downright broken at times, and its for this reason that I find recommending this game to people very hard. For me personally though, its great fun with friends and it can be fun to play on your own.

Absolutely bland and boring in every aspect. From the by the books campaign to the under-developed alien invasion mode, there is little here to give a reason to play it. Even the multiplayer, usually one of COD's most interesting features, was done so much better by many of the games before and after it.

I've 100% ed this game on the all stars edition (and by 100% i mean all 121 stars twice) and I have to say that the boring, slow movement combined with the very experimental and limiting design of using small planets as levels leads to an incredibly easy experience. The graphics are very good, and the music is incredible, but the gameplay being so repetitive and slow gives me no reason to ever want to play it again.