Yume Nikki 2004

Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

September 7, 2023

Platforms Played


this game is super interesting, definitely scratched the itch to play something weird and out there, and playing at night with all the lights off really does set a good mood. i wanted to go into this game with as little prior knowledge possible, and once id explored every door world once i started to look things up to see what all was left to experience. i do think i cheapened the game for myself by doing this but i felt like i just needed to see if the game had any sort of closure or anything really cool i was missing out on and there definitely were a few things, but it just felt tedious trying to find the last 7 or 8 effects without hints from a steam guide and i quickly gave up trying to figure the rest out for myself. i honestly would have been fine with this game not really having an ending at all just because of how open ended it is but once i found out there was one i felt like i needed to just see what happens for myself