over the past year since ive discovered katamari, it's always been a go to comfort game when i dont feel like doing much else, there's no other game that is quite like katamari. simply roll and listen to some great music.

when i first played we love many moons ago, i remember thinking it didn't hit the same highs as damacy. a friend of mine actually played it around the same time and i remember we both said how baby universe is the only song that hits the same highs as damacy's best songs. over the many months since i beat we love ive found myself coming back to it's ost and slowly warming up to it. now playing reroll i definitely think it's ost is just as good as damacy, there's tons of great songs. to name a few, disco prince, bluffing damacy, angel rain, everlasting love, theyre all so great, i dont know what i was smoking when i said it doesnt hit the same highs. tbh i think it's just cause i was looking for the exact same style of songs. it's hard to seperate your thoughts on a sequel from just directly comparing it to it's predecessor. once you do, though, you can see how great it stands on it's own. i feel like im gonna have a newfound appreciation of neo twewy when i eventually replay because i did the same thing, i was looking for something exactly the same but didn't find that and wrote it off.

anyway, reroll is the definitive way to experience the game with the bonus levels, as well as the remastered graphics. it has a lot more variety in it's levels than damacy does, which sets it apart. stuff like the racecar level alone is worth the price of admission (13 dollars thx fanatical beloved). however even with the great memorable levels it just doesn't hit entirely the same, yknow. damacy credits were a rock ballad where you roll up the entire earth. it's a beautiful ending sequence that we love never hits, we love's ending plays some classical music(??????) after you roll up the sun, its just... such a dissapoint. i was dissappointed when i initially played, and i was disappointed here. its so open ended, there's no closure or satisfaction like with damacy, because you just get dropped back down to do MORE requests, like what? it's such a terrible way to introduce post game content, as little of a nitpick as it is, it just leaves such a sour taste in my mouth. classical doesn't mesh well with katamari, even the king just kinda goes "oh that's the end haha", i wish the game had a better ending.

but i mean, there's not much i can dock for that, it's just a single sequence and the rest of the game more than makes up for it. you can get both games on fanatical rn for 20 bucks, id pay 60 for each if i had to lol. both are amazing experiences i can't reccomend enough, tho sadly i am getting quite burnt out on the rolling for now.

housekeeping(for any adoring fans), uhhh.... i 100%ed spider-man 2 nearly 2 two weeks ago, tho ive hit a LOT of snags irl so the review is still halted at around 60 percent done. at this point i can't promise it'll be as extensive as i liked since most nitpicks and stuff are fading from my memory fast... ill be starting cold steel 2 in december and using the rest of november to clean up shit like this, and a few horror games like iron lung and faith. maybe a replay or two. i also happened to get ghostrunner II so ill likely be playing that soon.

Reviewed on Nov 12, 2023


Very epic
I'll play NEO when you replay it 😎

7 months ago

I had the same thoughts on the OST when I first played, maybe I should replay it.

You definitely should replay NTWEWY, banger game.

7 months ago

Hey I don't wanna spoil or nothin, but the credits in this have like a "good" and "bad" ending

When you're floating through space in the ending sequence and the King shows up using the Sun as a Katamari, if you avoid him while making him roll up all the other cousins and people, you can play through the whole credits and get to listen to a much more fun song sung by the king himself

It's honestly my favorite credit sequence in any game and I think you should try goin for it, unless that's what you were talking about in which case whoopsie
@zurheide he clearly forgot but he actually did listen to the song and didnt like it lol