I REFUSE to believe anyone ever saw all 72 levels of Dig Dug II without save states or emulation

This is the kind of sequel games used to get. Like Zelda II or Super Mario Bros. 2, it keeps some of the same basic concepts but ends up feeling like a totally different game. We're not digging down anymore, were slicing chunks off of islands and micro-continents, baby!

It's kind of cool as a novelty for fans of the first game, but the only time it feels better than the original Dig Dug is when you manage to lop off 40% of a landmass, sending a baker's dozen or so demons down with it to establish New Atlantis. It feels far more unfair than its predecessor, with inescapable ambushes aplenty. I never could have finished this without retrying levels over and over again on NSO. Pretty sure I beat it out of pure spite. Three stars!!

Reviewed on May 27, 2022
