Well uh

I hit level 100 without using any XP boosts and this season goes through November. (Sept. 1 2022 EDIT: APPARENTLY IT ENDS IN MARCH NOW) There's been a pretty lackluster amount of content in Infinite and I still miss so many old weapons and maps that really should have been added by now.

But I'd be lying to myself if I didn't say I've been having a great time. The two new maps aren't much, but they're solid. New mode inclusions like Vampireball and Last Spartan Standing have really grown on me. And the fact that the battle pass now included enough earnable credits to purchase the next battle pass has earned this season a higher score than it otherwise would have had. You can bet I'll play each season of Infinite as they come out, but this is the last time I'll ever have to put money into it.

But BOOOOOO to all the whiners who got Rocket Oddball removed from circulation, that insanity was RAD

Reviewed on Jul 21, 2022
