I preordered this game from Blockbuster (of all places!) in 2003 because not only would you get the bonus disc, Blockbuster threw in a free miniature wallscroll tchotchke.

It's 2023 and I've finally finished it. I guess that's my main takeaway of Wind Waker: I owned the game for 20 years, and restarted it numerous times, and have only now bothered to finish it.

This game is purdy as all get-out, don't get me wrong. I was pro-artstyle when I preordered it. And the soundtrack is probably one of the best in the entire series. But I am bored with Wind Waker.

Maybe that's on me for finally finishing it in 2023. I finished the main story of Tears of the Kingdom not too long ago, and maybe going back to an older style of Zelda was turning me off. But I was bored enough in 2003 to stop playing when the game was fresh. And I was bored enough to stop playing in 2013 with the HD remaster as well. That one, sadly, was not preordered at a Blockbuster.

In the past, I would get about two dungeons into Wind Waker and then completely lose interest. This time I forced myself to keep going, partially out of stubbornness but mostly out of sheer curiosity. And I'm glad I did! But outside of enjoying the art and the music, the game never really hooked me.

I'm bored of collecting triforce shards, and I'm bored of being forced to do a boss rush before fighting Ganondorf, and I'm bored of sailing around a big blue nothing with a few specs of land in between. I'm bored of TWO dungeons where I have to lead a companion around, even if one of them is an adorable little korok.

So here's where I stand on Wind Waker: What a great looking game! The music is stellar! It's fun to watch speedrunners break it! Beedle rules!!! But I think I've had my fill.

Reviewed on Nov 05, 2023
