10 Reviews liked by thebluejay1994

It's monopoly, what else do you want

Has alot of features, and lets you play alot of things. I mean it is literally every tabletop game ever provided the actual tabletop game had dedicated enough people to make a mod for tabletop sim.

It's hard to review a game that has so much community content, but it's still a very good game that I'd play for hours on end !

I always heard so much praise for this game, so when I finally got the option to play it I immediately did. Now I thought the first bit of the game was quite good but then there became so many cutaways from the main objective that I got bored and put down the game for a bit. Then I forced myself to play to the end and I really liked the end section. I don't personally think this game is perfect but its still very worth playing

Short and sweet. This game is amazing and doesn't overstay it's welcome. Could have done more, but honestly the main story was enough for me. Can't wait to get to the second game.

The team instagib mode single-handedly makes this the best and fastest-paced first person shooter I've ever played.

middle school computer lab gaming with the boys!!!!

Fun game, good multiplayer; single player maps aren't as numerous as in the first game but as in that game I believe they are all user-made so can't really fault anyone for it or anything. Soundtrack is fantastic, visuals aren't going to blow anyone's minds today but have a high gloss charm to them, the guns feel great. The sound effects and character design may seem a bit unusual to some, but I assure you, out of all the Cube engine games these may be the most tolerable (even the CS inspired game has some corny hit-mark sounds).