assassin's creed tier combat masquerading itself has "deep epic hardcore gamer" to compensate for how shit everything controls and feels. bethesda tier copy pasted "open world". art direction meticulously crafted to make fantasy the most boring and unappealing setting as possible.
"but muh writing..." yeah they know how to copy paste things that the mutch talented books author wrote and put a shity moral choice at the end very impressive.
doesn't surprise me that CD Projekt became reddits darling developer, a title mutch deserved if I say so myself.

easily the best of the trilogy. and it get an extra half-star because Triss is hot

Reviewed on May 05, 2022


2 years ago

When did the combat masquerade itself as deep and hardcore?
The open world is very differently structured from Bethesda's open worlds, and copy pasted content and reused assets exist in every open world game, including Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring.
The Art Direction is obviously grounded in realism but it still looks good even today.
They didn't copy paste the writing, all the quests and the Expansions stories are made by the writing team themselves, they did take the world foundation and characters from the books but the quests writing itself is original material based on inspirations from Slavic mythologies and folklore tales.

Your post reads like a 4chan hatepost my BASED friend.

Also Yen > Triss

2 years ago

@Badger Thank for your contribution Badger.

This may not apply much to the third game, but the first two used to be infamus for having a very vocal part of the fanbase that defended a lot of the "quirks" of the combat not as a flaw but intentionally designed to appeal to that "elitist group" if you wanna call it that.

True. the structure changed but in practice the player relation with the map itself is not much different. I will give credit where credit is due and say that while the maps are similar, the witcher has more interesting things do in them than in the bethesda games.

You also mentioned Breath of the Wild and Elden Ring, open worlds that I am quit fund of, but I would say that I enjoy elden ring DESPITE its open world than because of it. the appeal of those games to me tend to lie on build and enemy variety to name a few, elements that ER has in abundance compare with its predecessors. while BotW Is also a game that I have a lot of problems with, I admit having a soft spot for how the game looks.

Well, in terms of graphical fidelity yes, the game looks good but the "Art Direction" itself I have quite a lot of problems.
alot of modern fantasy (and western media in general) tend to treat realism as being grounded. It makes it seem more like this fantastical world is a chore instead of fantastical. I'm not saying that all the characters have to have anime faces or the you need aim for a more stylized artistic, aiming for realism of fine, just give it a little more "pazaz" you know.
most of this aplays to "post LotR movies" western fantasy in general, not a problem that The Witcher started but certainly isn't trying to amend.

I would say that the writing is undead above your average AAA game, but I think that both of us can agree that that's not exactly high bar. I must say that despite that, the fact that a big part of the writing is presented in animated cutscene fully voiced, even for the side-quest, pretty impressive in that department. Even if I think the whiting buy itself is not that remarkabel.

calling things "Reddit" is a pretty meaningless buzzword at this point only really use in imageboards. but I will stand whit wat I sad and say that it applies pretty well in this context sinse reddit is definitely the site where this game series has ben descuesd the most true the years, and helped popularize the series wen there where only the first two instalments.

And yes. I was inded aiming for a "imageboard" tone in my review. your observation is pretty spot-on.

"Also Yen > Triss"
guess what fuck you

2 years ago

Thanks for clarifying that out, despite my obvious disagreement I now understand where you are coming from.
I actually followed the story myself from its early days, after Witcher 1 i decided to buy the books and i liked how the series improved with time from underdog unknown experiment to such ambitious project that became a cultural phenomenal. It's quite impressive. I don't think the game has the best writing out there but it may be the best one when it comes to modern popular games actually, the expansions elevated it.

I only want to note one more small thing, the World in this game is not a playground, its a backdrop to work for the Quests.
If you have a spare time, i urge you to consider watching this 30 minute video.

Haha, yeah its a Reddit game in fact but it's just a dried out meme that's why i pointed it out, dont mind me.
Anyway we may not agree on video games but i have to say your taste in Anime and Films is pretty good.

Yen is better though, raven haired resting bitch face is my weakness ;)