Amazing game, I probably don't have many words that haven't already been said about this. Keeping this review relatively spoiler free.

While I enjoyed the story of Metal Gear Solid, I felt there were some areas om the gameplay that could have been better, namely some of the endgame encounters. I feel that this game was able to improve some of the issues I had with first game. While the endgame bosses are easier, the games gets an increase in difficulty when it comes to the stealth aspects, with having different enemy types such as cyphers, or the human guards having to check in, which will result in reinforcements if they are unable to. It results in making the sneaking more tense and satisfying when you got through an area without alerting anyone.

I think the way the game goes into its themes of Legacy, Passing Ideas to the next generation, and One's Identity is really interesting, and explores the positives and negatives with each of these themes. The characters are also very fun and interesting, I think Raiden was a good protagonist to have that contrasted with Solid Snake visually and personality wise. The antagonists were also very interesting while also having that Kojima charm of being crazy conceptually (E.G. Having an overweight explosives expert called "Fatman").

I admittedly did not say a whole lot in this review but it's mostly because there's not much I could say that hasn't been said already about this title without just spoiling things outright. This game is worth going through Metal Gear Solid to play this.

Reviewed on May 18, 2024
