Perfect, effervescent, love this little man, wish the game had an online PVP feature though :|

(insert annoying "first" joke here)
No but for real, kind of surprised no one has shared their two cents yet, so I guess I will

I'm going to be completely transparent here and say I joined for the collab events, but I did enjoy actually playing the game while I was actively playing it. I remember the game being generous enough with gems in the beginning that I was able to get all of the collab units I wanted while their event was ongoing, so that was nice. Getting the units I wanted was kind of what made me go "well I guess I need to play this game regularly now," and while I've kind of fallen off lately, I don't have any major gripes with the game, it just does get repetitive after a while. It's one of those gacha games that I play every day for a while, get bored of, and then come back later to repeat the cycle.

The actual gameplay is pretty bare bones, with most of the work you do being team maintenance, leveling up your units, equipping them, upgrading equipment, etc. Other than that though, it is one of those games where you can turn on the auto play and not really suffer for it. Even PVP mode is really only PVP in the sense that you build a team for other people to fight, but you aren't fighting them in real time — the other player's team is controlled by AI, so it's pretty much a test of whose units are better. You can make F2P units pretty good, so it's not completely and utterly P2W, but you'll know whales when you see them, let's just say that.

The story mode isn't going to be winning any awards or anything. It was fun while I was playing through it, but not particularly memorable at all. You may pick up a character or two that you like, but not enough to make your PFP on social media or anything. (Stan Queen Hel for clear skin.)

It's very alright overall. Pretty standard auto fight gacha fare, some units with more egregious anime tiddy than others, but not so obscene that it put me off from the game. I wouldn't give a glowing recommendation to anyone, but if you've heard of this game because of some ongoing collab for a thing you like, it might be worth picking up just to enjoy the collab stuff.