knew this was leaving game pass so i had intended to spread it out over the remaining days of the month with plenty of time to spare. ended up playing this over two days in bigger binge sessions instead. i really enjoyed myself.

didn't know a ton about this going in other than the charming artwork. i had assumed this was going to be an RPG (a turned based one at that) with more focus on combat and the other elements that come with it than the puzzle adventure game with light combat that this turned out to be. what i ended up with is more to my tastes most of the time so it worked out for the better.

cannot stress enough how taken i was with this for its duration. loved the universe with the characters within, visuals/colors, music, and even the combat was better than i had expected when it showed. i could see where this might be a bit repetitive but it also probably didn't help that i played through this the way i did.

i've been drifting away from going for 100% in most games but i'm really glad i did here. some of the stuff could be taken or left (the litter?) but pretty much everything else felt essential. the mystery side diversion with the cameo from Frog Detective and general Ace Attorney elements was so wonderful.

i would've gotten to this eventually but i want to give thanks to @Wollom for suggesting this in my you choose, i play list. the mixture of that and it leaving game pass brought me to it earlier than i would've otherwise.

looking forward to my eventual replay.

Reviewed on May 26, 2024

1 Comment

21 days ago

So glad you enjoyed this!