an interesting twist on investigative/narrative based FMV games of this type. tons of stuff going on between the three films, the things happening with the cast/crew, and elsewhere. i feel like this could've been a disastrous experience if just a few things went wrong here but thankfully it clicked.

going for 100% or otherwise trying to get fully into everything there is to explore had a few hang ups. once you get down to only having lower double or single digits worth of clips left to find per film it becomes increasingly difficult to get to them. beyond this, i would've really appreciated it if the hidden clips that you get by rewinding/splicing footage would've been noted somehow in the menus/uis. those were mainly it in regards to major issues.

i passed on most of Sam Barlow's more recentish works because i wasn't wild about Silent Hill: Shattered Memories (and even then, i think that's just more of a result of that being tried too soon in regards of the tech/platforms it was on) but this has me reconsidering. definitely gonna go back for at least Her Story, really soon.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2022


1 year ago

Playing thru this now, at that hard stage running out of clips to find, loopin around. Really good so far. Recommend Her Story, acting is a little average but the search mechanic is cool

1 year ago

If you aren't opposed to using a guide to wrap up the last ones, Steam had a guide that gave hints of objects/people to click on and within which scenes to get access to specific clips. It wasn't perfect and sometimes objects would just loop me around to what felt like anything but what I truly wanted but it might help.

I shifted my installs around a bit and have Her Story ready to go. I'll probably start it within a few nights, hopefully.