REmake 4 prep.

love offsetting how unhinged this game makes me by using my unlimited rocket launcher and magnum from prior suffering (leech hunter mode, hard difficulty, etc.)

it can only go so far and doesn't fix the miserable slog that is this inventory system, the half baked partner system, and so forth but at least the rancid combat is mitigated a bit.


legiterally think this might be the last straw and i'm retiring this for future series runs unless it's been ages or i get a severe craving to play this game specifically. the game never gets referenced/barely matters, Rebecca is locked in a cellar somewhere hopefully to never see the light of day in any of these games again, and so forth. nothing is lost by just starting with RE1 or REmake. the only thing that gives me pause with ranking this below CVX is how mercifully short this feels in comparison.

anyways. onwards to better RE games. 🥴

Reviewed on Mar 08, 2023
