Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

March 26, 2024

First played

February 29, 2024

Platforms Played


I want to love this game so much, bu there are some big issues that made me abandon it, even tho there are some extremely good things in this game.

The Good:
- Artstyle: it is amazing. The game "feels" like it came out the same year as Quake and that's saying something. It just looks authentic and really really good. The enemies look good too and when they explode it feels amazing (not as good as "Cultic" tho)
- The Melee Weapon: I didn't use the knife much as an actual weapon in combat, but the alternative fire (long jumping) just feels really nice and the maps are built in a way that using the knife to jump around just feels good
- The shooting and weapons: The weapons all feel unique and useful. I think there was not a single weapon which I didn't regularly use in combat, even tho the shotgun will always be my main weapon. The shooting feels good too
- GOG version available, always a plus

The Bad:
- Hit Feedback: Shooting at enemies can either feel amazing or really lackluster, depending on if there are good animations. I don't know why but with some weapons there are like zero animations when you hit an enemy and it just feels bad
- Getting out of water can be really annoying

The Ugly:
- The maps are way too big. I am usually a fan of bigger maps in boomer shooters. But holy damn those maps can get huge and take more than one hour to beat. I mostly enjoyed the maps in the first hub world but starting with the maps in the second hub world it all starts to be very "samey" and the game starts to feel like an endless slog eventually
- The enemy variety is not good at all. I would say you see almost 90% of all enemy types in the first hub world. I think the enemy variety has been ok for the first hub, but afterwards it's just not enough to keep me interested.
- The second hub: I talked about this already but the second hub with all its levels just doesn't do it for me. I am not a big fan of the theme and all maps feel the same. It feels like you have to play through one huge 5h+ long map and it got me to abandon this game unfortunately.

If the game would have smaller, more varied levels with more enemy types it would be absolutely amazing. It would be a contender for best boomer shooter for me.
Unfortunately it doesn't, which really is a shame because there is a really damn good foundation here. But the huge, samey levels just killed every fun I had beginning in the second hub.