A nice intro to that era in the 2000s where EA was actually putting out some unique games for whatever reason. I think Faith is a really cool character but unfortunately the story just didn't grip me that much, and the flat and quite uninteresting 2D cutscenes didn't really help. It's a shame because the 3D world you play in is striking but it's not really backed up by any notable worldbuilding or themes.

Mechanically the game is very satisfying, and has the some of the best parkour movement I've seen. One gripe though is that the hitscan enemies are way too dead-on, to the point that it basically decentivises parkour and melee in favour of shooting, which kind of goes against the idea of the game I think. Overall though, good game, would recommend playing even just to chill and enjoy the movement and vibe of the city alone.

Damn all DICE did was make a decent game and EA still banished them to lootbox hell lmao

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2024
