This game has everything I want in a JRPG: a large magical world to explore, larger than life characters to journey with and an interesting story to discover.In Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch, you follow Oliver, a young boy, who embarks on a journey to save his mother and a magical world. I'll be honest, the beginning of the game gives Disney a run for its money for an emotional beginning. Over the course of the game, you will watch Oliver as he grows into the role of the hero that the worlds need him to be.

But Oliver won't be saving the worlds alone. He is joined by Esther, a young girl who is also the daughter of a powerful Sage and Swaine, a rogue who has a heart underneath his rough exterior. And I can't forget my favourite character, Mr. Drippy, who acts as Oliver's mentor, guide and sidekick! The one thing I like about the characters is that none of them get on my nerves. Each character has their moment to shine but don't take away imprtant moments from other characters.

Its not just Ni No Kuni's characters that are colourful, but also the world as well. In fact, the game's visual style is bright and colourful, which helps to give the game a storybook feel.

Finally, the gameplay, whilst doesn't revolutionise the genre, it does the job perfectly. The battle system is very easy to learn but allows players to be more tactical, should they wish to.

Overall, Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch is one of the best JRPGs I've played and I can see why many people consider it a classic. If you are a fan of the JRPG genre, I stronbly suggest you give Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch a go.

Reviewed on Jan 22, 2022

1 Comment

2 years ago

Well shittin' said. it reminds me of why I enjoyed it so much. Don't regret gettin' Platinum Trophy for this game at all. it wasn't too grindy like JRPGs tend to be which I absolutely love and applaud them for it.

then Ni No Kuni 2 came along............