Dad of Boy is an incredible adventure from start to finish. The combat is insanely polished and well designed. Puzzles are challenging and clever. The level design is phenomenal and the game is gorgeous. Every once in a while I would just stop and admire the scenery. The soundtrack is unforgettable, the voice acting is spotty for Atreus at times but overall fantastic. And the overall narrative is amazing. Seeing the dynamic between Kratos and Atreus change and evolve as their adventure unfolds is really heartwarming and heartwrenching to watch. Characters are well written, the high points are downright cinematic, and the ending is just perfect. Plus, if you haven't played the earlier God of War games, this one is perfect to just jump into, as it gives you enough information on Kratos' past to understand what's happening. Highly recommend!

Reviewed on Apr 15, 2020
