One of the best games I've played in a long while. I played through the campaign on the "Hurt Me Plenty" difficulty and had one hell of a time (pun intended).
Improvements over the previous entry include a wider and more diverse variety of enemies, a wider variety of glory kill animations, a thoughtfully expanded arsenal, more movement mechanics, more maps, larger maps, a hub world full of easter eggs, more boss fights, more interesting combat encounters, and a massively climactic ending.
Things that are present in both games: top-tier optimization (seriously this game ran at 60+ fps on the highest graphics settings while I was rendering something in After Effects), buttery-smooth and intuitive movement and gunplay, incredible environments, genius level design, gorgeous graphics, sound design that is pure ear candy, and a phenomenal, angry, hard-hitting and expertly produced and mixed soundtrack to drive it all home.
This game is a pure adrenaline rush as well. Everything I mentioned above made me feel like a god when I pulled off crazy shots and narrowly escaped death via clever use of the mechanics. Not only that, but introductions, reveals, and payoffs all hit their mark in the presentation department.
Even the story, for me, was really interesting. I get that not many care for it too much (DOOM was never a game you play for the story), but the dedication to its presentation did not go unnoticed. All the voice acting was fantastic as well, and I love when the Slayer's personality shines through in the cinematics.
Any gripes I have with the game are small. I ended up getting fatigued in the last level due to all the back-to-back encounters that I surpassed only by the skin of my teeth, and the final boss was one of the longest boss fights I've played in recent memory. Additionally, some enemies felt more annoying than challenging (I'm looking at you, Whiplash). But again, these are small gripes that would probably disappear if I just got better at the game. One other small complaint is how the Crucible is originally bound to V, but that's customizable as well so it's not a big deal.
If you like shooters at all, this is definitely a game I'd recommend. Even if you don't like shooters, this one could definitely turn you into a fan.
High-energy, brutal, gory fun for the whole family. 10/10 would Rip and Tear again.

Reviewed on Feb 18, 2021
