What an odd game. Definitely a bit rough around the edges to modern eyes, but really interesting. I sent a good forty minutes or so wandering around Forest 1 wondering when I would get told what to do, and only then did I discover how you actually obtain quests (hint: you have to go talk to the Hunters Guild on the ship, the game doesn’t make this especially obvious).

The rhythmic hack-and-slash combat wasn’t what I was expecting, and took a bit to get used to, but I got there and now I’ve completed a handful of the first couple of waves of quests. I appreciate the comic book style of the cutscene dialogue, and also that the Japanese version has full English support, which makes it a much cheaper game to try out; European and American copies are ridiculously expensive in comparison.

Excited to see more, and hoping to take it Online for real (the Sylverant server is active, and with a DreamPi, a real game key, and a boot disc depending on your copy, you can play pretty easily) when Dreamcast Live are running a game night sometime.

Reviewed on Nov 26, 2021
