It's honestly fun. Storyline is great. But uh... yeah. It needs to be fixed. So, I'll return to this game once everything has been fixed up for it. Until then, I'll focus on other games.

EDIT: I've decided to drop this game completely. I don't regret giving this game a go, however, I'm left very disappointed. When I first decided to pre-order this game, I was so excited because of what was generally promised... but as I played the game, I realized that even though it was indeed fun, it lacked in a lot of the areas it promised we'd be able to experience within the finished game.

I still tried to give it a chance, but... ever since that maaaaaajor glitch that happened with the Sasquatch fight, to where I literally clipped through the floor through one of the pillars and had to reset the game to a checkpoint... I--- that was the point of no return for me.

There was no ignoring that. And honestly... it's been enough time for me to wait for them to 'fix' the game that's already lacking on a lot of the features and mechanics it promised to have... it's just not worth it.

We deserved what was promised. And it wasn't delivered to us. So, we have a right to choose whether or not it's worth it or not.

For me?

It's not worth it.

Reviewed on Jan 26, 2021
