Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

July 14, 2023

First played

June 26, 2023

Platforms Played


Author's note:
Played on Citra Nightly 1946.

This is probably the worst thing I've reviewed on this account and the first thing I've had to drop since New Pokemon Snap. The touchscreen controls feel awful and the level design is just a bunch of enemies with ether high HP (relative to lack of combat depth) or crazy reaction times and a few very basic puzzles that honestly feel like they'd be boring even for kids playing this in 2017 when you compare it to other touchscreen controlled games targeting that demographic in the late 2010s like Angry Birds, Cut The Rope, and the IOS port of Fortnite. Like I am baffled this made it out of playtesting session let alone shipped as a $40 release at launch. People are probably gonna argue I should have played more but if a game's fundamentals are just so plain and unpleasant it can be hard for a player to shake off this initial disgust (for lack of better term) and in my experience that will usually end up with a game being made a perpetual backlog slot that never gets touched again. I honestly don't even thinks this merits a full review with proper structured writing. Hence this rambly blurb. I hope the dev team grew from this experience and used it as learning experience to grow as artists because having this on your resume has gotta be rough.