2 reviews liked by tipper



This is easily one of my favorite Rockstar games, the story is great and paced well and fits the school environment. Speaking of environment the world building is great, all the small fun activities make the game's map feel way better than the GTA games which are relatively empty. The soundtrack can get repetitive however I personally never got tired of the songs that played while doing various activities. despite this being a PS2 game the controls are still nice and crisp. Overall an amazing game that aged pretty well.

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of my favorite games ever. I have some problems with it, but they're so minor that there's not much to say about them. The soundtrack is probably the best I've ever heard. Songs like Tantal (both day and night versions), Bringer of Chaos, and Drifting Souls are some of the major standouts. The cast is outstanding, with very few misses. The only main character I didn't care for was Tora, and even he had some charm. Zeke was definitely my favorite. The gameplay is unique, so I can definitely understand why some people wouldn't like it. For me though, it felt so fun to let chain attacks rip and absolutely demolish enemies. The amount of customization options you have is incredible, to where multiple playthroughs can always be different. It definitely has a lot of replay value. The story is lacking at some points, and absolutely fantastic at others. It's one of the few games which endings can make me cry. It's a 10/10 game for me and I couldn't recommend it enough.