Honestly, this game was formative for me

...just a genuine masterpiece. It changed me, I can't think about it without feeling deeply. Drastic times call for drastic measures to make you play games completely differently, and this is one of the best.

It's just so fricking good. What a fantastic game for couch co-op.

...this game honestly sucks... It's like... such a bad clicker. Did I play it for way too long in thirst? Yes. Was it worth it? So so no.

Such a fricking great little apple store gem, but plays so badly on android it's unplayable... sigh.

I cried playing this, feeling lonely, wishing for more, wondering... The geometry alone will haunt. As will Sucklet's face

I think this might be my favourite game of all time now. It will always haunt my subconscious and my dreams... The Zero runs through there. It runs through the Black Lodge. It runs through your drug trip. It runs through the ambient folk music that I listened to as a kid, feeling nostalgic for experiences I never had...
I'll sink someday in the Echo River, and when I do, at least I know where I'll be.

...how do you think I felt when I realised I could have just bought the much preferable physical version for $20 instead of spending an hour downloading them and putting in my e-shop points and... DANG. Better as a set, for sure...
But. Like. An art game. Play it like that, and it's much better. It's more an experience than a game.