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1 day

Last played

November 20, 2020

Platforms Played


I dunno if it's because I played this back-to-back with the first one, and just got fatigued, but I didn't care for it. The level design is more expansive, and definitely makes for a greater challenge, but I found that it only amped up the frustration-level, and not the enjoyment-level. It turns out, Jumping Flash 1 is fun at least partially (in my opinion) because it's easy!

The theming isn't as sharp, the music isn't as good, and the story... is incredibly stupid. I know it's a kid's game, so whatever--it's still decently fun! There's just 0 improvement on the first's gameplay, and slight regressions in almost every other facet. (Also: the Doom wannabe levels in both games are funkillers).