Systematically hyper-elegant and aesthetically pristine—a blend of the grid-based tactics of XCOM with the casually-accessible addictiveness of, say, Candy Crush. Infinitely replayable, with a smorgasbord of different mechs to try and achievements to unlock; and there was even recently an update to include more enemy types, pilot abilities, and scenarios… as if the game even needed them.

Though there is a hint of RNG in the defense mechanics and enemy spawns, dice rolls are thankfully mostly absent, and so failures and successes feel 99% player-owned. No map feels unbeatable from the outset—every possible outcome is there in plain sight, to be poured over; every mechanic is explained using only the lightest of touches, and a refresher is only ever an R-button-hold away. There’s essentially nothing to frustrate, or confuse. The fun is triple-distilled.

Really, it’s the kind of video game that makes you want to make video games; and if you already do make video games, it’s the kind of video game that makes you pissed off that YOU didn’t make it… and likely never will make anything as nonchalantly fucking brilliant.

Reviewed on Aug 28, 2022
