consoom 🤤

I have come down w consumption achoo 🤒🤒

(media list of good stuff that I read/watched/listened to in 2024. I do not feel like creating accts on stuff like goodreads or letterboxd etc so this is basically just a media diary I will be inconsistently updating. i think ppl too often identify and label themselves w the content they consume and I think that is v dangerous and unhealthy !!!! media consumption is stupid but here it is here is mine for the current year only listing good stuff not bad stuff >•_•<)

recs welcome and appreciated 🥰

inherent vice (2014) - rewatch. kind of rlly hate both pta and pynchon but idk the vibes in this one work rlly well for me. vitamin c by can one of my faves OAT. crazy good cast and i think the ending is like real sad. says more about the decade of lost identity that was the seventies more than maybe any other modern movie.

anatomy of a fall (2023)

3 women (1977) - rewatch. love this and how it tackles shifting identities and personalities especially in relationships where u both respect each other too much and how over time that respect turns into disillusionment. no one has ever looked better on film than spacek//duvall. uncomfortable asssss movie

hester street (1975) - cute little slice of life movie :3 carol kane is like so good in this and made me want to look into other dramatic roles she might have.

lisa frankenstein (2024) - kind of wanted to hate the nepo baby director x juno writer movie but i just couldn't. so goofy and weird especially in its jokes/aesthetics but also comes off as totally sincere and genuinely romantic

fremont (2023)

fallen leaves (2023)

popeye (1980) - obsessed w that era of new hollywood that kind of killed off director driven projects for uhhhh 30 years and this is one of the strangest failures from that era. set design in this is absolutely wild,, i want to go to malta. he needs me one of the cutest songs OAT and this is like maybe the only williams performance thats tolerable. feels more like a true altman ensemble type movie than like a popeye the cartoon movie lol.

the sweet east (2024) - i do not like that this is funded by peter thiel or that there's a few moments that seem baselessly edgy but i still adore this sm. beautiful sendup to 70s movies and i think it's like also a nice love letter to the bad and politically backwards parts of the east coast. ending is seared into my brain 4ever,, lovely n hopeful :3

mash (1970) - have seen sm reviews and retrospectives say that this has aged horribly but lol no,, elliot gould hot moments compilation

brewster mccloud (1970) - naomi core :3 on that muppets pothead type shii,, car chase sequence in this one of my fave movie moments. goofy nerdy wypipo movie i don't know how to explain why i love this sm lolololol meta elements in this one crazieeee

dune part 2 (2024) -

welcome to la (1976) - watched this half asleep on a train after an emotionally exhausting day which feels appropriate. if american psycho came out in the seventies keitel wouldve played patrick bateman frfr.

coraline (2009) - rewatch. might be the best animated movie idkk,, makes me cry lol

muppets take manhattan (1984) - have somehow never seen this one,, good stuff

immaculate (2024) - i love good critiques of judeo-christian values and also outright feminist movies and this is both so that's good. i love when u can't tell if a movie is set in the past or if it's set in 2024 lol,, ending shows a remarkable sense of restraint

nashville (1975) - rewatch. watched this too high in a movie theater and it might just be one of best viewing experiences of my life. best soundtrack OAT and everyone kills it here. shelley duvall cosplaying ice spice lmfao. idk a movie about how no matter how awful things look they're never truly over, how the earth will keep spinning and people will keep living and working.

short cuts (1993) - rewatch. i've read the short stories that this is based on and it's like actually insane how everyone involved in this basically just made their own thing lmao. like i think it's more true to say inspired by than based on in this situation. i rlly love when adaptations aren't one to one as it gives u more reason to check both out :-) stacked fucking cast wtf. one of the best ending shots ever

old boyfriends (1979) - hollywood honestly failed joan tewkesbury and it's honestly rlly sad to see bc this kind of perfect for the sort of movie it is. meandering and melancholic and full of sm regret and pain. think checking out movies directed/written by women that came out before the nineties is so important

the player (1992) - rewatch. tim robbins in this is so crazy honestly,, there's this great bit in the novel where griffin is described as both sinister and sweet and i think robbins maybe the only person that would be able to nail that. love stupid stuff about how hollywood and los angeles are evil,, consistently so great. ending funny asff

southern comfort (1981) - tense asfff omg. think more movies should be a weird mix of horror + war,, i don't mean that tongue in cheekly either this movie is like basically just a slasher w a vietnam war era aesthetic. love stuff that keeps u second guessing till the end.

a wedding (1978) - don't even know to explain why i love this sm but it's just so funny but also manages to strike a good balance between insanely cruel and like sickly sweet.

licorice pizza (2021) - rewatch. the most i've ever hated a movie i love lol. so much about this doesn't work and is kind of just plainly gross and never examines why the main character is a gross and exploitative person. but idk it's like the second best pta movie by a longshot. alana and cooper work off each other rlly well and a part of me thinks it's rlly funny how much contempt the movie seemingly has for gary and a part of me thinks it's rlly sad and it's only bc of hoffman that that weird tonal dissonance works at all. pta u r a FREAK!!!

choose me (1984)

bob roberts (1992) - crazy mixture of a bunch of diff kinds of filmmaking here,, music vids and campaign speeches and a bunch of other stuff all presented as a real doc on a real guy. tim robbins again wild here especially w how frequently he oscillates between angle and devil 😈 v funny movie and a great giancarlo performance

jazz '34 (1997) - fucking rlly energetic and kind of moving for what is essentially a docudrama/concert movie. love how much tension and emotion this is able to squeeze out of u through just music alone.

tucker: the man and his dream (1988) - like always extremely conflicted on coppola,, love his late in life work but as a person i kind of hate him and think he's like shallow,, gorgeous movie tho wtf

red hook summer (2012) - spike doing mumblecore!!! u love to see it !!! lovely camerawork and v humanistic type of movie,, becomes crazy in the last thirty minutes and i love that. some of the best child performances since like fucking crooklyn in this one

challengers (2024) - i loveeeeee this

smile (1975) - lot more chauvinstic and pigheaded than the seventies cinema i usually fuck w, but there's a real nice vibe here that if u can latch on to i think is sort of rewarding. chill type of movie

the beast (2024) - love to see smth so weird and experimental in structure in the theater, those 2014 segments are soooo scary and uncomfortable. lea seydoux a star frfr

health (1980) - weirdly lacking the heart and soul of altman’s best work. even his more comedic work like mash has this v real sense of community and friendship that’s kind of lacking here. kind of a cruel and mean ass movie but also it’s soooo funny and even in its fucked 360 p state it’ll probably always stay in it’s still rlly gorgeous. mf made the most out of that wonderful set and like the funny costumes lol.

alien covenant (2017) - rewatch. lots of movies that I watched once in a theater 5+ years ago and then never again usually don’t stick out in my head but this one absolutely did. arguably maybe a bit too ambitious but this is dripping in such a beautiful atmosphere/environment and it’s funny that fassbender plays gay in this. katherine waterson is so crazy good in everything she’s in. gothic sci fi horror crazy 2 see !!!

robocop (1987) - like always I absolutely don’t fuck w verhoeven’s humor or his meathead machismo by way of the arthaus, BUT this is kind of rlly cool!! especially when it’s doing weird stuff w structure. routinely breaking the flow of the movie to show all these ads and news reports etc is great and rlly fleshes out this world!!

prometheus (2012) - rewatch. kind of hate this kind of think it’s responsible for sm fuckboy cinema but also think that noomi rapace abortion segment is like wonderful as is everything centering her + fassbender

hail mary (1985)

napoleon (2023)

a thing called love (1993)

cabaret (1972)

funny pages (2022) - think ive said before how I think nope is a fantastic movie that’s unintentionally about how modern filmmaking is evil and I think this falls in a similar vein,, but like about art as a whole. kind of ironic that the movie about not worshipping a medium as a monolith was released by a24 lol. one of the best of the decade frfr

we’re all going to the worlds fair (2021) -not sure if im picking up on the trans themes in this,, like I think it’s more about being disconnected in a time of supposed connection that leaves someone feeling disillusioned. think the case could def be made that casey is nonbinary or smth along those lines where she doesn’t even fit inside of a trans binary like others in her gen,,, lol whatever tho. beautiful movie that hit me hard,,, living all of ur teens online bc ur living in a place that’s at the end of its importance. sad movie

flawless (1999) - there’s always been this weird hate of schumacher in online film circles and I gen think that’s a weird product of both homophobia and taking cringe online youtubers seriously,, mf worked solely in the hollywood system but seemingly made movies he wanted to see,, u have to respect. unapologetically queer movie here ‼️‼️ def some ppl not gonna fuck w it due to maybe some dated terminology but let it be known that I don’t give a fuck and think hoffman’s portrayal of a queer person is one of the best and most touching ones done by a cishet person. those de niro scenes fucking drag and are honestly rlly bad tho.

kansas city (1996) - think altman works the best when he’s trying to find the moments in between the immense cruelty/genuine romance + love that populate not just his films but films of new hollywood specifically. it’s what makes the endings for both a wedding and nashville especially powerful and I think this is a movie essentially made up exclusively of those moments. JJL the best at doing that kind of funny/nuanced/sad period piece roles, her mannerisms and voice so perfect for it,, sucks shes a zionist or whatever. saw lots of ppl say this altman on traditionalist or formalist mode and it’s like def not,, crazy long and impressive sequences of jazz numbers that are totally disconnected from the rest of the film but absolutely necessary.

head (1968) - obv the writing here is impressive and ultimately pretty subversive in terms of the monkees feeling locked in to a specific image of sixties wholesomeness but an image that they don’t own at all. v much so a film about self expression but one that’s more interesting in terms of visuals than the actual written word. insane what everyone involved in this was able to accomplish, so funny and rlly nothing looks or flows like this. thxx guttertrash

I saw the tv glow (2024)

30 minutes or less (2011) - rewatch. movies like this aren’t made anymore which is a bit of a shame tbqh. mcbride is so genuinely funny and plays this so dramatically. wish movies were filmed in places like grand rapids MI still,, shit looks great and gets across the sort of diy everyman thing all these movies wanted to be real bad

the cotton club (1984) - easily one of the most romantic films ever made and a ridiculously progressive and anarchic movie for the eighties. essentially about how romance and love is not feasible if hate exists in ur heart and how there’s always gonna be fascism to keep ppl separated. idk this is rlly lovely and intoxicating and gere/lane and hines/mckee r wonderful to watch. fred gwynne and bob hoskins r so funny in this lol. insane that when coppola wants to be his movies bleed through w love and passion

buffalo bill and the indians, or sitting bulls history lesson (1976) - weirdly one of altman’s most personal movies and i would prob say one of of the most personal movies oat when it comes to the job of a director w paul newman taking on that kind of job. a job that is not needed and is never treated w empathy bc it’s an inherently fascistic career. wonderfully self victimizing lol also v respectable when it comes to depicting native american peoples.

the muppet movie (1979) - rewatch. have seen this prob more than most movies and it’s one of my all time faves but finally was able to see in theaters which literally meant so much to me. henson/oz and co were on a fucking roll w this dark crystal and labyrinth, all of which ive now seen in theaters and I think represent the best in creativity of 1970s/1980s hollywood, fr though watch these in theaters if the opportunity ever comes up, some of the most beautiful filmmaking ever?? rlly stuck out to me this time how this movie is almost about the impending greed and capitalism of reagan’s eighties. if even the muppets weren’t free from escaping the selfishness of the 80s what hope was there for the rest of us

contemporary colour (2016) - my SIL does this shit!! so was vvvv cool to see a great filmed performance of this artform that def did bring eyes to it. very beautiful and humanizing!

jesus’ son (1999) - think it’s maybe a bit too bleak and nihilistic for me to love fully but I do rlly like and appreciate this movie. gets across a great seventies vibe and look that other period pieces just don’t, crazy ensemble here too and everyone does so much w so little, have to read the book at some point. def late 90s indie classic.

hitman (2024) - SADLY a little pro cop and I think linklater is a weird libertarian fuck but this mostly works rlly well for me. very funny but also tense and dramatic when it needs to be, powell so good

your highness (2011) - pretty stupid and doesn’t work that often but will always admire weird comedies like this that are made in the studio system. crazy sets + puppets.

pret a porter (1994) - prob one of altman’s lesser works that ive seen but still v enjoyable to watch and spend time w and very very gorgeous. just ultimately TOO loose even for one of his movies, beautiful performances by robbins and roberts that made me wish the movie was about them/more so about them bc we rlly don’t get much time w any character in this one
sharp objects by gillian flynn

pinky and pepper forever by eddy atoms - this is like one of those things that seems like a kitschy joke, irony or smth along those lines, until you read through it and u regret every shitty little thing you've ever done. more ppl should make rlly sincere honest pieces of art that are hidden behind smth that seems like a joke. this works as a litmus test of some sort, rlly can only rec if ur comfortable w art that discusses v sensitive topics.

devil house by john darnielle - think i'm way more into darnielle as a writer of books rather than as a writer of music. idk in love w how he writes about and talks about places off the beaten path and the ppl that inhabit those small towns. it's so like realistic and plaintive. this also is constructed in such an interesting way, almost always changing perspective and making u rethink info u thought u already knew. loved this sm that i annotated the whole thing for my bf ^_^,, idk fuck true crime lol

breasts and eggs by mieko kawakami

lolita by vladimir nabokov - listened to the audiobook,, i love jeremy irons. insane how thoroughly misconstrued this book has become over the years

famous people by justin kuritzkes - can't believe potion seller wrote mgs2 fanfic

the kid stays in the picture by robert evans - think it's v important for anyone who cares even a little bit about new hollywood to listen to this,, illuminating stuff especially in how it reveals the hubris of this era of filmmaking and filmmakers lol

the player by michael tolkin

model behavior by jay mcinerney

roadside picnic by strugatsky brothers

the nashville chronicles by jan stuart

the return of the player by michael tolkin - this kind of sucks a lot but it also has lots of rlly good moments,, mostly i just rlly love the griffin mills character

queer by william burroughs

inherent vice by thomas pynchon - pls god I don’t want to like pynchon…. this works so much better than the movie it’s kind of insane. so much more time w these characters and doc/shasta’s relationship is so much more fleshed out and believable and raw
nashville soundtrack - half of these songs are like some of the saddest shit ever recorded LMFAO

espresso by sabrina carpenter - gamer grrl omg !!

backroom by rex laurent

neil young's seventies output - thank god he finally put this shit back up on spotify omg.

all along by pohgoh - i love shitty emo especially when it has female vocals :-))

vultures by kanye west - sucks that he's problematic yeah but also idk i fucking love 2010's kanye sm
nana - idk i don't rlly care for anime but also there's smth so striking and classical and real/genuine about this. very rarely have i ever seen my relationship w my bf reflected back at me as lifelike as the relationship between nana and hachi. cute asf horny asf show and like so incredibly sad lol!!

curb your enthusiasm - getting into a series right at the end is always nice bc then you have all of these seasons that u can return to whenever. finale good ^___^

tanner 88 - birthplace of prestige auteur driven tv right here. crazy that altman did it first or at least did it early asf lmao. idk it's cool seeing him return to television after uhhh like 2 decades only doing feature length movies and it's cool seeing how his style translates to a ten-ish hour series. honestly think his approach to ensemble and actors works a lot better unrestrained like it is here. cynthia nixon and michael murphy's relationship here so cute and sweet.

treme - admittedly only halfway through this first szn and idk maybe it becomes rlly bad but im loving this. has this wonderful sense of community and culture that im always looking for in tv shows. so so loving in a normal and healthy way of cultures that are not ur own.
yt vids and posts that I happen to like a lot and r new to me ^_^ (love jenny and this might be her single best vid.. wonderfully well put and very anticap/anticorp)


2 months ago

i kind of want to check out nana but i know that shit will fuck with me, so i just keep my exposure to it to just looking at cute fanart where nana and hachi are together lol

licorice pizza is so fucked up it makes me wanna puke, it has no business being that good otherwise. i wanna give it the benefit of the doubt and say that the movie is highlighting societal double standards when it comes inequitable relationships + how easy it is to romanticize unhealthy and destructive relationship models through the magic of film and that PTA simply wants to assume the person viewing the film is smart enough to discern that. but also like, there's no reason to assume that subtext is even there, and the easy surface level takeaway is that it's plainly romanticizing what's essentially just pedophilia lol still kinda good tho idk how

i don't have any recs cuz i'm uncultured (if i'm not working these days i'm usually just playing video games or hanging out with my cat) and your tastes are frankly a lot cooler than mine, but that pinky and pepper graphic novel sounds cool as fuck i might legit check that out

2 months ago

idk found this obscure 90s female lo fi punky thing recently i thought was really good i think more people should listen to

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