The absolute bottom of the barrel of mascot horror and horror in general. And this goes for all of the sequels, since they were too pretentious to release them as chapters and instead called them fleshed out games, which I won't be paying for.
Other than the first game, which is a boring nothing-burger, the other games are repetitive walking simulators with god awful voice acting and a story that so far could be written by a middle schooler. The character designs are idiotic and in no way scary, and hardly even resembles what most people would consider a "mascot".
The game is basically everything people complain about in mascot horror accumulated into a game. It's the most uninspired and soulless series of horror games to date with nothing except a meme following and I would be suprised if any game in the future can top it. I consider Garten of Banban to be a cautious tale of just how bad things can get when people allow themselves to consume any cash grab that gets churned out by the machine.

Reviewed on Sep 17, 2023
