Wish I was playing it on PC instead of ps5 cause the joystick + auto-aim is criminal especially when using the bow primarily, but still I love this game. Turn your brain off and go fight a tiger, I dunno. I love Vaas more than a sane person should

Basically TEW's parallel to RE's mercenaries modes, it's alright but I've never really been the biggest fan of those so it's not particularly made for me. I enjoyed it for what it was, I guess. The gameplay can be fun for a bit but I was happy to know when it was over lol

There's some mixed opinions about the gameplay of this but honestly I loved this DLC so much, there's really no words. Fantastic lore/story updates and I personally loved the stealth gameplay, a nice change of pace from the main game. Also no spoilers but that Joseph section, damn.

This game traumatized me. I played it for only 3.9 hours when I launched it for a bit of casual fun and realized in horror there were achievements, dunno when it made its way into my library, but i wanted to cry at the grind and at the time I completed it I found out the achievements were profile limited so i cried again at my wasted time. The controls made my stomach hurt and gave me a migraine. The perfect game shows up on my profile now but at what cost.

Also some of the guns were totally useless from what i remember lol, they were basically insta lose.

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I really enjoyed my time playing this one, though I'm already a huge fan of this genre. The combat felt great, though the fps issues and getting locked in battle due to turns not advancing was a continous problem. (Though not constant.) It almost felt like the game would just break inevitably and require a restart if it had been running for too long.
Not all of the humor landed with me but there were enough memorable story beats and quests that I was engaged enough to care about the storyline. I read almost all of the flavor text, so that counts for something in my case. Though I wish I could say that the games beats all land together in some way no matter your story choices. Some areas are much more engaging than others. (I particularly loved exploring Denver and wish there had been more to do with the questlines there. So many things felt like teasers to larger questlines or serious storylines but they never came.)
To follow on that note, I feel like in general the game was lacking many dearly needed serious story beats between the overwhelming comedic tone that kind of swallows the game. I feel like you do yourself a disservice not doing Victory's questline first and carrying him with you through Valor's questline and the rest of the game....
Which is honestly a bit disappointing, because understandably many will not want to even humor the thought of tagging around with this guy. Unfortunately if you choose to forego him you miss a lot of what little layered depth there is in any companion actually somewhat connected with the main plotline. His dialog about other important characters actually gives some level of realness to a game that has trouble staying grounded amid its atmosphere. Where was more of that with Kwon?? Even Lucia didn't have enough. Well all three could've stood to have a bit more honestly, but I digress.
You also just. Do not get good story options in this game, especially with the main/end questline. Maybe I would have chosen the "good(???)" option the game so desperately wants you to pick in Angela Deth if it didn't require you to join forces with a slaver. That she asks you to free (betraying the guy funding you and providing the aid to Arizona, no less) without even telling you first who the fuck he is. Are you joking?? At least once I decided I would stomach no more of her it would be nice if she didn't continuously drunk dial my number crying to me and asking me to change my mind.
This is a review where I complain and I still rate the game higher than most things I've ever played. I would love a Wasteland 4. I'm your biggest fan, inXile!!!

The game is fun if you play with someone else. The story is ridiculous... and definitely stupid at points, but I kinda love how bizarre it is. Sprinting is frustrating but the rest of the controls feel great. (..Aside from a small gripe I have with discarding items in the inventory menu.) I also really love most of the locations, the maps look great to me and full of color, especially after the gloomy, almost desaturated look given to 4 and 5. They took a pretty bold new artistic direction and I personally really enjoy a lot of the visual aesthetics the game offers.
Maybe it's just the overwhelming RE fan in me but I really can't dislike the game. I'm just really opposite the crowd on this one. Is it the "worst RE game"? No. Some of you people haven't played Survivor and it shows. (P.S. I love Survivor it's quite epic)
And hey. Just saying, but Jake rules and he's also insanely hot. We've had a lot worse RE characters through the years, so I'm surprised he gets such negative reception in particular. I hope they bring him back to the series one day so we can see more of what he's up to now.

I know I'm the odd one out here but I hate this fucking game so much, I don't know why. I guess I wish I liked it, but it's so SO painfully boring and it didn't ever leave me feeling unnerved. I like minecraft, I LOVE horror, I like open world exploration and crafting systems, I should like it in concept, but I don't. This might be the least enjoyable game I've ever played. Might pick it up again later, for a third try... much later.

Daniel Mullins Games at the absolute best. Left wanting so much more, but I've always been a huge fan. Multiple moments had me left gasping and subverted my expectations. Played all the way through with my fiancé, great time.

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I was eating those beans