What an odd little game! My main gripe with it is that it doesn't give you great directions about how to pace yourself with it, resulting in scenarios either dragging on if you do things like bounties or feeling a little underbaked if you rush through. There is a sweet spot though, and when you find it the game's a lot of fun with a lot of charm.
Some of its systems are a bit tedious/unsatisfying to engage with (armor upgrading, most of the abilities) but overall solving the game's quests and puzzles is engaging and the characters are interesting and enjoyable to spend time with. It's at its best when it leans into its weirdness (right there in the name, isn't it?) but even when it's not at its best, bugging out as you try a chaotic, repetitive encounter for the sixth time, it's still pretty fun.

Reviewed on Dec 28, 2023
