Tunic has a lot going for it. Especially the first couple hours in the game work very well, shrouding basically the entire game and it's mechanics in mystery. Nothing is explained directly, you will have to find pages, that are written in an unknown language, often times leaving you deciphering the illustrations that go with them. I love that idea, even though I'm just not patient and intelligent enough, to stick through so many layers of puzzles on my own. Usually I play those kind of games in a group, here it started feeling tedious at some point. It wasn't the biggest issue though, for me that was the fighting, or maybe not the fighting itself, but the way you are forced to battle a bunch of tough boss fights, when the fighting mechanics just somehow don't feel right. I didn't feel powerful after levelling up stats and getting new weapons, I always kinda felt 'held back' by the limitations of everything.
But with those criticisms in mind, I still enjoyed my time with Tunic a lot. The Soundtrack is an absolute banger, and the environments are beautifully designed.

Reviewed on Jul 08, 2022
