This game HAS potential to be an amazing game. I always though it was great due to the story it has for a kid's mmo game. Years later--when I cancelled my subscription and got back into the game again--I realized how disgusting the subscription is for this game. You can't even get out of the first world to the second, Krokotopia. Compared to Final Fantasy 14, a game made 6 years ago, they recently upgraded the free trial that makes you go up to the SECOND EXPANSION of heavenwards up to level 60 which is half of the game. You're probably thinking "But, Emerald, isn't it unfair to compare an mmo made from late 2000s for kids to a more mature mmo made for teens and adults? The thing is, Wizard101 had so many chances to update and give the players more freedom to explore the story up to Dragonsypre and beat the "final boss" to know if they want to buy the game or not. Good mmos balance between freedom and restriction--if they have a subscription system--Wizard101 does not do this right. It is asking for your money desperately and forcefully pushes you around for it. Do not play this. It's a shame too because if it were given more thought about freedom for F2Ps, it would be a nice game.

Reviewed on Sep 27, 2020

1 Comment

3 years ago

I tried revisiting the game recently as well due to nostalgia and couldn't get past how bad that subscription is. Maybe one day they'll go actual F2P