This was fricken delightful to play, i bloody loved this game. i loved all the drama you could get into, i loved the random jobs you could get, i loved the music played on the radio, but sometimes it did feel like things all happened too fast or too slow. like trying to get everything done in one day always ended with them getting mad at me for making them clean when they were tired....

So silly, so fun, awesome as a multiplayer game. Creative weapons and move sets. Love it

so much fun. single player challenges are hard but so much fun.

This would have been super fun if I was younger, the little short skill games were pretty fun, just not as engaging as an older player. The stories that go with each game creator are pretty fun too.

so damn fun. oh man. pretty sweet music choice that get added for free too.

I wanted to love this, but I struggled in the first level to really understand the controls. Have given it a break and will come back to it and see if fresh hands can make it further

It’s Kirby!! It’s excellent in all its Kirby glory.

I have been playing this since it’s release. It is fun, but the backtracking between characters and levels does get annoying. I swear I will finish it one day!

So much fun. The references to other classic games is hilarious and so fun. Easy to enjoy and explore and learn little bits of trivia about the evolution of games!

Absolutely wild story, janky rail shooter controls.

I remember loving this game, but never being able to finish it. Trying to think outside the box for this murder mystery type game was fun as a kid, need to find it and try again

all i remember is the giraffe level....

would be more fun if you could practice the levels on your own and then play with everyone else