A top tier 3d platformer and imo the greatest video game soundtrack of all time. This game also uses the whole "..in SPACE!!!" thing really well, with a lot of the levels switching up the gravity or how you can walk upside down on the little "planets". Biggest fault here is definitely the overreliance on motion controls, I played this on switch and there was still too much damn motion controls, like I get that it was 2007 and motion controls were all the rage, but come on bro 💀💀. Also the platforming controls themselves are also a little stiff? Like it didn't halt the gameplay whatsoever, but the movement and the jumping just felt a little stiff to me. Overall a masterpiece, I'm glad that 3d All-stars finally gave me a chance to play through the game that I only ever got to see my older brother play since, he uh, wasn't too fond on sharing....

Reviewed on May 21, 2023
