Metal Gear Solid V sucks so much if it wasn't one of my favorite games ever in terms of gameplay I'd give it 2 stars.

To go through positives: it has absolutely stunning gameplay. Missions that I feel like would be boring and uneventful in other games are fun and exciting due to the masterful controls and style that only falters in terms of cqc which has been reduced to practically just a punch/kick button. I honestly loved the open world but I fully believe it's no where as good as it should or could be.

The prologue and first mission are treasures. The opening of the game is one of my favorites it's just such a wonderfully nightmarish experience of horrible stressful events one after another with shocking moments around every corner. In a way the prologue being so good was almost a detriment to the rest of the game. The whole world clearly "wants me dead" there, but the rest of the game has no where near the same tension.

Overall the best missions in the game are the ones that are straight up just horror. The hospital mission, the quarantine center mission. I'm also quite fond of the introduction to Sahelanthropus. i can criticize MGSV for days but I could never be mad at Sahelanthropus. I think its just worthless to complain that a 2015 game doesn't hold up to 1987s tx-55. Sahelanthropus is just so massive on scale that when it's hovering over you and stalking you it truly feels like a scary opposing threat.

MGSV when its at is best is just so incredible that I can never be truly upset with it, but it has its long list of drawbacks.

Kojima has made many many of my favorite games, and he has created games I'd call near masterpieces, but I would never call him a great writer. He wrote quiet in 2015, which is frankly embarrassing. I think he was able to avoid plenty of MGSV criticism due to all the issues with Konami, when his writing should have been targeted a lot more. Like everyone else I have gripes with Konami and I'd love to see the game MGSV could have been but there were so many issues at it's core.

MGS3 worked as a game since it understood it was a prequel and provided context to the games before it. That context being what lead to big boss becoming a horrible war mongering man, but as these prequels continued on this introspective shifted from looking back on a horrible person to idolizing him and giving him unneeded tragic backstories one after another. It's no wonder people walk out of Metal Gear games wanting to join the military and view Big Boss as a hero when Kojima paints him in such a light.

The villains are so weak in the phantom pain because Big Boss and his entourage are already so bad. Skull face as a concept is laughable, hes so ridiculous, but comes out to be one of the most boring villains including main villains and side villains in all of Metal Gear, and Eli, although Liquid is a great and funny edition, is literally twelve and he never even got his moment to do anything because the second half of the game never gets its moment to do anything.

MGSV is just so disconnected as a game. It has a promising beginning and honestly a twist I would have liked if it had more work put into it, but the middle is a mess. It's one half a weak but completed story and then just nothing for the rest of its run time. It's a shame to see where MGSV ended up when it had so much to work with. It could have focused on the Patriots, it could have shown the falling out of Big Boss and Kazuhira, it could have been the connecting piece between the Big Boss and Solid Snake games and focused on Outer Heaven or Zanzibarland. Instead its about the most ridiculous bland man you will ever see, a horrible person who we are pretending is tragic, a 12 year old, literally one of the worst written female characters ever, and Huey

There is a shopping list of other issues I wont even bother to get into MGSV is a game I like rambling about, but I feel like I give it too much time for what it is. It's a shame to see this game, from a series known for its intricate and well thought out narratives, be so painfully sloppy and regressive. I hate it. It'shorrible. 4 stars out of 5. I played it multiple times a week for months.