27 reviews liked by tx55

played this and persona 3 dancing, which are basically the same game. giving this one half a star more and the review because it ran better on my computer. sorry p3, the songs in p3 were better and more interesting, but also, p3 had worse voice acting, so i still enjoyed playing it less. idk. p3 just had worse vibes like they would not do this. sees should not have fun. i would honestly not mind if both games were remade or added to with royals/strikers and reload content because look. theyre fun rhythm games and they have my best friends in them. addicted to goro akechi will power. thank you

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(I played the PS2 translated version). I really wanted to like this game. I hoped it would be a good gateway for me to get invested into Dragon Quest, but it seems to be a "cozy" game rather than an RPG experience I hoped for. It has some of the most boring exploration. Being forced to walk around where you can get into a random amount of encounters that all play the exact same feels like a punishment, and for what, a chest with a chimera wing? One of the most useless traversal items in any game ever? The combat is so watered down and standardized that the second you get a boomerang, that's what you will have for the rest of the game until you get one of the better swords, so all you do is hit circle until its over. Every boss plays the same as an enemy except you need to cast buffs and debuffs (if they aren't nullified like most other magic), so you spend one turn doing that, before spamming attack and healing, same with every other encounter. The game is so desperate to feel grand with its lackluster story that is built around 1 core idea, that it can't even have an engaging combat system for a moment at all. Too bad what it built itself around is a sorta vapid story of having pure bloodlines and destiny. The most impactful choice you can make at all in the game is choosing which heavenly wife you have, and they still are functionally the same in the story. They are there for a few dungeons, before being whisked away until the tail end of the game. The game is also as desperate as possible to take away any agency or player-character involvement as much as possible, to the point you have 2 huge sections of the game where you are enslaved or turned into a stone that span 10 and 8 years respectively. You don't even get to raise the kids or be with your wife at all, which is the whole central axiom of the game. It fails on almost every account, but it has some interesting concepts, that could be used in better made games, and it was charming, if not quaint, but that's truly the highest praise I have for it. I can't think of anything else positive to say, which is the most damning thing about it.

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Honestly, I have so much to say about this game but also so little. In short, this game is just another shitty compilation game. It's not some genius remake-sequel concept that Remake's ending teased... it just truly a bad remake. They glitz everything up with pretty graphics, epic cutscenes, and top-notch voice acting (and I mean, if there's one aspect this game nails... it's the voice acting because everyone is perfectly cast). But that all exists to hide how shallow this game really is. It's not just that this isn't as good as the OG, it also misunderstands what the OG was trying to convey in literally every big story beat. Genuine, heartfelt moments are ruined with over the top cutscenes that take you out of the moment, horribly timed and useless lore dumps, and long, flashy bossfights that take away from the sentiment of the moment. And it feels like they get worse as the game progresses. Like, I thought they messed up the Corel section by turning the tragic story of Dyne and his decent in madness into this Hollywood-ass "last stand" because godforbid our actions have consequences, but then Cosmo Canyon is somehow even worse. Red finding out the truth about Seto is one of the most poignant moments in the OG, but this game cannot let a moment breathe... they have to introduce this stupid as Gi Tribe nonsense to take you out of the moment. And then there's the ending... please don't get me started. It's so fucking awful. Not only is Aerith's actual death scene completely ruined because the writers couldn't help but do some fuckshit till the very last second (which btw, as a newcomer is probably gonna be so confusing) but they follow-up it up with so many long as fuck bossfights that you end up completely forgetting that she even died at all. And it's funny, because Jenova would've been a perfectly good final boss. I mean, every party member participates, there are multiple phases and it's a very fun fight... but nope. This is an FF7 game, which means we have to end on a Sephiroth fight.. and wait, there's more! Because this is a compilation game, we need Zack to be there and he has to epic and cool. In what is the most fan-fiction moment in the game, Cloud and Zack teamup to fight Sephiroth. And then Bizarro Sephiroth shows up because why not and we get what is probably the most irritating fight sequence ever before ending on another Sephiroth fight where... get this: Aerith shows up. Now, the fight itself was quite fun. But having Aerith shows up is so terrible on a narrative and thematic level, it's not even funny. It's just so bad, I'm kind of baffled. I really hate what they do with Cloud at the end too. The OG had a pretty honest and caring depiction of mental health, but in this game, Cloud just goes anime psycho and now we get Aerith's ghost parading around like she's Hannah fucking Baker. It's just so stupid. And you know, throughout the game the only thing I could ask is why? What as the point in doing all that shit at the end of Remake is Rebirth was going to be the same game anyway? Why remake the same game but 80x longer? Why add these dumb puzzles? Why am I doing any of these sidequests? Why does this game exist?

There are some merits to the game. The combat is genuinely really fun. Hard to remember that at times since the game throws so many bosses at you that I just get tired, but this combat is fun. The customization is fun. A lot of the mini-games are pretty enjoyable, as it the world exploration... until Chadley shows up. Seriously, I didn't have an issue with the guy in Remake because you could pretty much ignore him, but he just doesn't go away in this game. You cannot move around the world without his bothering you. Who thought that was a good idea?

I can certainly see myself returning to this game to finish up the stuff I left behind, because when I ignore the story, I actually do quite like it. The Gilgamesh stuff was really fun and I do want to see it again and I'd like to finish some of the other side content. It's the reason why I don't think this game is a 0/10, but this game is so frustrating. It butchers FF7 so hard. Nothing they add to this game means anything. It all exists for fanservice and that lack of artistic merit bothers me so much that it just muddies the whole experience. I think this may legitimately be my new least favorite video game of all time, and that sucks because I really, really wanted to like this game.

I was very very pleasantly surprised by this game. I played it with a big chunk of nonlinear story mystery esque games such as Gnosia and 13 Sentinels, and I did not play AITSF at that time but it is reminiscent of that too. The way things fit together and how you can pretty much always figure it out is just great. There are some very emotional moments but the narration typically has a good sense of humor, and I truly loved the characters. One in particular i thought was absolutely delightful and craved more of every time she wasn't on screen. overall, huge recommend to fans of games in this specific genre.

literally just finished the game, rambly thoughts ahead. the game is fun. definitely more fun than i had playing p3p, although both left me feeling fatigued. maybe that's thematically appropriate. i was definitely ready for this game to be over, but i did enjoy it. so, tartarus is a better experience than it used to be, although it gets boring after a while. well, what doesn't get boring. you could say things about the ai being stripped and characters being controllable, but portable also did that, so i can't really complain. more good additions include the linked episodes for male party members, although i could really do with replacing some of the social links because there's just a lot. and many of the social links are lacking. i understand wanting to create an "authentic" experience, but the things taken away make me wonder why some of the social links didn't get reworked or at the very least, more fleshed out. it felt like some of them would have three lines and you're done, just like the original. not to mention how a good half of them at the very least would have the character completely change their outlook halfway through and thank you profusely, as if you had ANY say.. which all the persona games do, but with the tiny amount of time you spend with some of these people, it just felt WILD. the majority of character work was great though, takaya and strega as a whole being a noticeable improvement that i wouldnt have even put on my list of things i wanted from this game, but they were really strong!

so that's what the game added and did well. what the game removed is... kind of disappointing. 1, femc. well cant complain she was added later i guess, but the amount of times i sat there arms crossed saying "if this was femc it would be sooo much better" like okay, im biased with aigis, im always gonna prefer lesbianism to no lesbianism, and i can just relate more to femc but i also think there's a lot of strengths that femc has. mitsuru social link is much better with femc, for one, as well as just the general dynamic between her and the party members. (Not ken though... lol... credit where credit is due, ken is great in this game. really like him. some bad vibes in femcs route) i also generally like her social links better, which i don't think is a controversial opinion. saori and rio come back to me. this is the persona game where women are written best, so forgive me for wanting to see more women! it's just sad that we don't have her at launch and will probably have to pay more money for her as dlc.

Speaking of dlc, where's the answer?! the most inaccessible gameplay wise part of the game, with a deeply compelling story and satisfying conclusions to the characters' arcs, especially yukari and aigis... it makes me mad that it's not even announced yet, (although the leaker has confirmed it, but maybe they're lying about this one thing? lol. we know its coming but it doenst make it easier to choke down waiting and paying more money.) so most people have to resort to piracy to get the awesome end chapter of this game, if they even know it exists at all...! if they can even tolerate the repetitive and difficult gameplay in the first place. i dont want to make it seem like it's wrong to enjoy or not enjoy the answer, but not having it is missing out on a lot... and even if it didnt get difficulty options, just Having It On The Same Platform is a lot. well, go play it or watch the scenes on youtube. it's good.

one last thing whose exclusion pissed me off is the tired mechanic. seriously, that really drilled in that you were so fucking tired all the time! as someone who is tired all the time, im missing my representation... But seriously, what's the point of letting you sleep in class when it'll just level up your courage, which is easier to get than academics? why go to the nurse's office for more useless courage? and what happened to resetting the game to stay sick and maximize your courage gains? I know i just said that courage was useless, but if you actually had a reason to go to and know about the nurse's office before your courage is maxed since theres so many other ways to do it, it would be a lot better! like, you needed to game the system because of your lack of free time, but now there's even so much more time in the evenings... Well, we can't have gamers hating the main character like they hated morgana, lol! It just screams insecurity at the main conceit of the game, and making it less unique to appeal to more people. which SUCKS!! LET'S GATEKEEP!! unless it's the answer, which should be accessible to all, LOL. okay i understand im pearl clutching at some things and preaching inclusivity at others, but if it's so unapproachable because of the strict schedule, dont play it. If you're stressed, follow a guide. turn the difficulty down, no one's keeping track. this game just feels really easy. combat's easy, it's easy to get all the social links, it's easy to max out your social stats. hell, i romanced yukari and aigis at the same time... I felt bad at first, but i promised the yukari that lives in my head that it would strengthen the narrative in the end... and there were no consequences...? at least not that i saw...? perhaps cheating with aigis specifically has no consequences, but it was just strange considering the text that appeared telling me to think it through because i already had a relationship.

one last thing i want to mention is ryoji. what were they thinking...?! well, atlus is neither confirming nor denying the homophobia allegations... man. well i like that he got more screentime and i did actually like him this time around, but he is more kaworu than ever, and a lot of it left a bitter taste in my mouth. well thats the fujoshi lifestyle for you

"I am no one. I am nothing but an endless abyss."
- The Phantom, Turnabout for Tomorrow

Dual Destinies is poorly written and creatively bankrupt. I'm honestly impressed by how the game simultaneously derailed the existing continuity and character arcs established in previous games, while also delivering a half baked and childish new storyline that leaves the series nowhere to go in the future.

The “dark age of the law” was a comically awful overarching theme and having villains like Aristotle Means, a guy who genuinely believes lawyers are supposed to lie and forge evidence, is proof of how allergic the writers are from creating actual interesting or thought provoking character drama and moral arguments.

Do we not see the hypocrisy of this story when Phoenix Wright himself used underhanded means (forging evidence, rigging a jury) to justify the end goal of beating Kristoph Gavin and absolving himself in AA4? Like we literally had an interesting “does the end justify the means” moral argument set up for us in the previous game and we throw it all away for this 4Kids ass good vs evil plot line that is resolved by exposing a nameless, faceless villain whose goals were never explained?

Speaking of, the actions of the "phantom" in Dual Destinies was motivated by his desire to cover up his previous crimes from 7 years prior. You might be asking, "what motivated him to commit the crimes of 7 years ago, like disrupting the first rocket launch?" Too bad! There's no explanation! But don't worry, catching him ended the dark age of the law anyways!

There are so many “gags” that just fall back on moments from past games like Trucy only showing up with the panties, turning Apollo’s “I’m fine” into an actual character trait (wtf bro😭), and Phoenix being regressed to a compulsive bluffer. Apollo as a whole is literally a completely different character who shares none of the same motivations and thoughts he did in the previous game. You know how he was consistently at odds with the way Phoenix carried himself and raised Trucy? And how he trusts his clients less? Now, Apollo sees him as a mentor and gets complimented on how similar he is to him. Phoenix also has no reason to exist in this game, he appears to be way less capable, completely undoing the ultimatum he dealt with at the end of Bridge to the Turnabout.

Athena and Blackquill's story is by far the most competent part of this game but it still feels underwhelming given the shared screentime with the other protags, filler cases, and terrible phantom story. Why couldn’t we have had a story about the immorality of Blackquill’s death penalty?

Like the gags, the music is super derivative of past games. So many tracks are uninspired remixes (or straight up ports like guilty love?) although there were a few original bangers like the cross examination themes.

The DLC was mid filler. The fact that they decided to make DLC filler cases at all, in what's supposed to be a narrative-driven mystery series, should tell you how depraved this game truly is.

The mood matrix doubles down on the childish dialogue with conversations like "My sources are telling me you were thinking happy thoughts when you should be thinking sad thoughts." Actual elementary school dialogue, and it pervades through the entire game's writing too, drenched in incredibly cringy anime tropes.

It really feels like the devs wrote themselves into a corner here. They wanted to tell their own story with Athena and Blackquill, but they wanted to bring Phoenix back too. So they had to bring Trucy back. Which meant they also had to bring Apollo back. Oh, and why not give Pearl and Edgeworth a couple seconds of screentime too? Since Athena and Blackquill's story resolved at the end of this game, there is literally no way any of these characters can grow. Dual Destinies toppled the reputation of Ace Attorney in one fell swoop.

Please, by all means, explain to me why having a villain with no name, no face, no backstory, and no clear motivations somehow isn't enough to instantly classify this game as garbage.

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second worst game i played in my life. it drove me to drink. really bad! ❤️

i find the investigation team to be an incredibly negative group when they're together. they truly bring out the worst in one another. i could write a book on yosuke. i can't even bring myself to dislike him, he's just such a complicated character for reasons that i think were both intentional and unintentional. but he definitely contributes massively to the overall bad vibe. teddie i have much less to say about. he sucks and i want to kill him with hammers. chie and yukiko started off really strong and then faded into the background after their shadows, which was disappointing. kanji was easily the funniest character but everyone was so mean to him. rise... sure was obsessed with the protagonist, i guess. and i don't want to talk about naoto right now it's kind of an uncomfortable topic for me. i also didn't really like the trajectories of many of their social links, with the only real exceptions being kanji and yosuke, but kanji's social link was also kind of boring.

the only thing about this game that i liked was adachi. i thought he was very well written and after this entire game and the way characters (mainly yosuke and teddie) talk, misogyny being treated like a serious problem with serious consequences was incredibly refreshing. there were also a few social links that i really liked (shu and naoki come to mind immediately)

also, the gameplay is boring and tedious. i vastly prefer a huge, segmented dungeon like tartarus and mementos, and the palaces in p5 that you do once and don't return to, to the tv world. appreciate the experiment and it worked out in the end because p5 has the best of both worlds, but grinding for quest items was seriously not fun. and yeah, don't do the quests if you don't enjoy it, but i didn't know if there would be consequences and i didn't want to have to play the game again. i did all the quests in p3p as well and they felt bad but not as bad. p3p also had a lot to love outside of gameplay and this game doesn't for me.

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i've been past the point of help since early april. i did not like this game until the third semester, but third semester made me love it and made me play the entire series. akechi is truly one of my favorite characters ever and i think everything that was done with him is on a level of genius that atlus may never achieve again, and this is genuinely outside of me being a fujoshi. maruki is the best palace ruler and is genuinely saying something. and you can kill me for this one but i adore morgana. every other character is either mediocre or fails in some deeply disappointing way, but special shoutout to futaba who had the most interesting introduction and then kind of didn't make a ton of impact after that, makoto who didn't really have a ton of potential and then became a cop, and sumire. i believe the cutscene where kasumi dies is the best cutscene in the entire franchise. but sumire's social link is too interested in her being a love interest that it really sets her back. it seems that sumire decided to stop emulating and obsessing over kasumi in favor of emulating and obsessing over joker instead. SAD!

aside from the third semester, the palaces are boring and don't say a lot. akechi feels very much like a reference to light from death note, but when you think about it, are the phantom thieves, by changing individuals' hearts, also kind of killing people in a way and also being light from death note? whatever. that's why i loved the third semester so much, and why i love the bad ending. it's the only time in the game when the actions of the phantom thieves are reckoned with. i just kind of hate moral righteousness and power fantasies and a side portrayed as good no matter what, (can you tell why i might like akechi so much? sigh) so third semester tackled that in a huge way. should it have been longer? yes indeed, but we can't win em all and what it did in its short time was amazing. but i have to say, my brain was still mostly off until i reached 2/2 for the first time. i liked third semester but i wasn't expecting it to really do a lot, and it played with my expectations in a way that i'm not sure if i'll experience again in a game. taking 100 hours to get there to give me a chance to really stop thinking too hard about anything at all, and it was a shock to my system and that is one of the reasons why this game hasn't left my head. it probably feels like not a huge deal to some people but for me it was everything. like i was in a funk. i was not really enjoying the game. third semester intrigued me and i had fallen deeply for akechi at that point and i had bought into the yaoibait so it was worth it for that but i thought the game had no more tricks up its sleeve. i was complacent. i was off adderall because there was a shortage and every pharmacy in my area had run out. i just wasnt thinking. and you know what i had said just a few days earlier, after he died? march 28, 2023? "resurrect him already. sick of this charade". documented on my blog. lifechanging.

also, the gameplay is good, what can i say. i found it tedious at first but then once i started liking the game and then after playing through p3p i truly understood, that it was good. also, mementos is very connected to morgana to me. and i love morgana. the end

WOW! the hype was true! the way the game introduces mechanics and makes the scenes slowly more complicated is definitely something that should be emulated as much as the mystery and intrigue it gets so much praise for. i need some time to think about the story, but wow what a great game. my only criticism is that by the end i was pretty tired so i really wished that there was a faster way of jumping through scenes because it just got tedious, and i had a headache, so i did look up hints and brute forced a few. perhaps this could be fixed if i were someone who didnt play all the games i can in a single sitting, but if it were just a teeny bit quicker this game would be the perfect single sitting game and im a little sad it's not. that being said, guessing at the end was not fun, but the rush from guessing in the middle and having it work was truly delightful and i felt like a god. so, dont ever try not to brute force anything.

Sadly its peak. Atlus are a bunch of pussy ass bitches for writing the game like that though bc why are you tryna appeal to gooners and write a touching meaningful story at the same time. This game made me gain 900 followers on instagram and almost gave me carpal tunnel from drawing too much. Akechi gave me like genuine unironic. Completely serious brain damage like I wish he wasnt in the game at all

Ann Takamaki my goddess the love of my life I never took her off my team named us the diamonds romanced her and refused to stray from my path. Greatest character in the history of gaming and I am not joking about it.

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