What DO you do with a drunken sailor?

The Wii controller and nunchuck controls were questionable.

I didn't catch them all, but I did get a pokemon to level 100. And to little me, that was enough.

If second chances was a title, it'd be tf2. Completely departing from the original design, TF2 is full of a colorful cast of characters. These characters I would enjoy at 2 fps on my dads windows 7 machine when I played it in 2011, however coming back on a newer pc that exceeds minimum specs it provides a lot of novel gameplay with enough "gambling" that I am fine throwing $4 at it every so often.

Played when it became free on my dad's PC. Was one of the first games I actually could run and play. I think I would feel the grindiness now, but fun while it lasted.

The other side of my early gaming days. Playing on a large CRT with the ambiance playing was a fun way to relax.

Might be nostalgia, but this is a game I grew up on and cemented my love for FPS. Was the longest I played any game (in-match playtime 700+ hrs), not sure anymore